Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From Eh to Zee . . .

Here is the activity list, some the kids know about, some they have no idea what we are venturing on! Some of these are just ideas, I don't know if we will end up there, but they are options.

Address & Phone number - my middle son needs to learn these!(UPDATE: we're almost there!!)
Area Park - there is a park in the area with a splash pad, great trip on those hot summer days!
Air Zone - The kids love it there! I took advantage of the Wagjag $21 summer membership when it was on! http://www.airzoneoshawa.com/
African Lion Safari - I've never been there, maybe an August day trip? We will see. http://www.lionsafari.com/

Bird Seed - CRAFT - I want the boys to make bird seed rings for the trailer, great outdoor craft!
Boldt Castle - Another potential day trip? http://www.boldtcastle.com/visitorinfo/
BOWLING! - Have you checked out Kids Bowl Free ? FREE bowling, you have to pay for the shoe rental.
BEACH - no summer would be complete without a trip to the beach!

Chalk Paint - equal parts corn starch & water, add food colouring & sidewalk chalk paint! (sounds simple)
Cedar Park - Another place the kids love http://www.cedarparkresort.ca/
Crock-A-Doodle - Crock A Doodle , ceramics/pottery for kids - sounds FUN!

Darien Lake - again, never been before. http://www.godarienlake.com/
Dinosaurs - I want to take them to the ROM this summer http://www.rom.on.ca/visit/tickets.php

Eat something fresh from the garden

Flamingo Hand Prints
Flowers - CRAFT - using thumb prints
Finger Paint - make our own!
Fire Flies - We must catch fire flies!

Garden - I want to plant some stuff with the boys

Hunt - Have the boys do a Scavenger Hunt

Ice Cream - We will attempt to make ice cream

Journal - Journal and document our summer fun
Journey - new adventures and exploring!

Kid Zone - Visit the play centre in the area http://www.kidszonedurham.ca/

Lake - It's summer, we have to swim in the lake!
Lightning - My oldest fears lightning, I want to teach him more about it (UPDATE: we're getting there too, he has been talking to someone about his fears and seems to be doing better!)

Mud Pies - yum!
Mentos Experiment
Make Milk Shakes

Nature pictures
Newcastle wooden boat show - (July 23rd) - Missed it, did not make it out this year.

Ocean - Maybe, maybe not...No real plans to go coastal
Ottawa - We would love to visit our Nations Capital
Ontario Science Centrehttp://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/
Ontario Place - and it's FREE this year! http://www.ontarioplace.com/

Puddle Jumping - Back to my 7 year olds fear of lightning & rain storms
Playdoh - Let's make our own with lots of flavours & colours
Picnic in the park - a Summer must do!
Poker - My 7 year old wants to learn how to play poker!
Petroglyphs Park - http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/petr.html
Peterborough Zoo - http://www.peterboroughutilities.ca/Park_and_Zoo.htm
Pick Fresh Strawberries

BBQ (Not too creative with 'Q')!

Rocket Experiment

Santas Village - Newhampshire  Bracebridge
Sew - my oldest wants to learn how to sew!
Strawberry Jam (June 29)

Thumb Painting
Tie Shoes
Treasure Hunt

Uxbridge Train Ride - http://www.ydhr.on.ca/

Volcano Experiment

Water Fight (June 29, with many more to come!)

Wonderland - http://www.canadaswonderland.com/
eXplore nature! (Again, not too creative with the 'X'

Painting Yoshi egss (From Super Mario, gotta love Yoshi!)

Zoo - http://www.torontozoo.com/  maybe even the http://www.buffalozoo.org/index.html  (We did the Bowmanville Zoo last week with my younger sons class, we won't be going back. http://www.bowmanvillezoo.com/home.html)

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